Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quick fixes for fashion emergencies

At work, parties or other occasions, wardrobe malfunctions can be expensive. Sudden downpours, popped buttons and scuffed shoes can lead to quick-fix shopping sprees or expensive repair bills.
The following tools can be money-savers in fashion emergencies.
Weatherproofing: Carry a folded plastic poncho in your car, briefcase or purse. Portable rain gear can be purchased at drugstores, dollar stores and other outlets. The investment can save a suit from ruin or prevent a costly trip to the dry cleaners.
Instant shoe repair: A black marker can instantly banish scuff marks from black leather shoes.
Staples and hooks: Before meetings, staple the hem of an unraveling skirt, to repair broken hook-and-eyelet fasteners. When a clasp falls apart, replace the broken eyelet with a vertical staple in the inner seam of the garment.
Quick hem: Repaired falling or missing hems with adhesive strips that are applied with a hot iron.
Spare shoes: Puddles, broken heels and other emergencies have taught me to stash spare sets of shoes in the office, gym locker or family car.
Accessory collection: For an instant wardrobe upgrade, keep several ties and a jacket in your office. Those items are helpful when you are called into sudden executive meetings or other formal gatherings. Likewise, women who use shawls and other accessories can be used to deliver quick makeovers.

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